A Reader is Born

Sunday, August 16, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I already made a post like this on my old blog, but I think I deleted it, this is a post about how or when did I start reading. I will do what I can to tell it as accurately as what I experienced in my life, although some memories are a bit blurry.
My story will start when I first started going to school when I was around 5 to 6 years old. I was a shy kid and I barely talk, I can’t even understand when people talk to me in Tagalog because my Mom trained me to speak English, so my Mom hired a tutor for me. Everyday after class, instead of playing with my friends, I go to my teacher who is also my tutor and spend my time trying to learn all sorts of things and do my assignments but our main focus is me learning to read.
We trained (yes I call it training for fun) to read using little booklets from the school’s library, these booklets are those types that has a large picture on the left side and a sentence on the right. Every time I read those short stories I felt so amazed that I can understand them. After a few months I can read a whole booklet all myself and as the only kid in my class who knows how to read my classmates were always in awe when I tell them the stories I read and read to them.
That was the start of my reading life but as a kid who loves to play all day and has no books, at that time, to read at home my thirst for reading was forgotten. After a few years my Mom bought some pictures books for me and this time my thirst for reading stayed for good. I had a few picture books that my Mom bought for me at BookSale for a cheap price, I kept rereading all of it not because I have nothing to do but because I enjoy it so much. This is the stage where I wanted my room to be a library filled with books I will read and read.
When my aunt learned about it, my love for books, she sometimes visit us with a sack of books in tow. It is filled with pocket books that her students used but doesn’t want it anymore. I had random books of random genres and I was happy to travel in each worlds. My favorite were the Sweet Valley ones. All through out my elementary days I spent a lot of my time reading those pocket books.
Fast forward to high school, I met 2 people who is into reading and we instantly became friends. We talked about books and give recommendations. I found my great love for BookSale because of its cheap books that are good, and needs more attention. Eventually my bookshelf grew along with my knowledge of books, and it is still growing today. This is what my life is now with books by my side.
I decided then, I think 3 years ago, to create an account on goodreads, started a bookstagram account, this year, and trying to work on my book blog, currently doing it, because I want to meet more people who share my great love for books.

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